Using Airbnb Analytics United States

Vacation Rental Occupancy in United States

Calculate Airbnb Income in United States

Airbnb & Vrbo Analytics, listings per month in United States

Find and analyze properties for rent with the highest revenue, return on investment, and projected cash flow on any potential investment property by address, postal code, city, and state in the world Rent a Deal

Find potential investment properties that are currently available for rent, and use our short-term rental analyzer to calculate projected Return on Investment (ROI), cash flow, and performance by address, postal code, city, and state worldwide.

Use our Differential CAP Rate search tool to find potential properties currently for sale and get insights such as your Return on Investment (ROI) Buy a Deal

Differential CAP Rate feature: This incredible feature allows you to find potential investment properties that are currently FOR SALE and gives you insight into how fast you can pay for them using Vacation Rentals. You will be amazed to find out how many properties FOR SALE, even at retail price, are extraordinary investments.

Create your own customizable short-term rental website in a matter of seconds, including a functional check-out system with credit card support BNB My Site

Create your own short-term rental website in a matter of seconds. You may customize your site, change color, fonts, templates, and you may even include a fully functional check-out system with credit card support.

Learn how to start a successful vacation rental business. Our educational system will guide you step by step on the ins and outs of the short-term rental business. Video archives, as well as invaluable tips and tricks on how to increase profits, maximize security and efficiency managing a vacation rental property BNB Academy

Learn how to start a successful vacation rental business. Our educational system will guide you step by step on the ins and outs of the short-term rental business. Includes video archives, as well as invaluable tips and tricks with detailed information on how to increase profits, maximize security and efficiency managing a vacation rental property.

Take advantage of our Virtual Assistant Services. Our bilingual Guest Relation’s Staff will take care of all communications and coordination of all vacation rental sites, and evaluate its performance Virtual Manager

Take advantage of our Virtual Assistant Services. Our bilingual Staff will handle guest relations, staff coordination and communication, all Vacation Rental sites, and will evaluate your Guest Response performance. Let us take care of the heavy lifting, and you concentrate on growing your business.

We will prospect for potential rental deals, set up appointments, follow up with our award winning communications staff. All you do is increase your portfolio and increase your revenue Property Hunter

This is the fastest way of growing your business. We will locate and hunt for properties according to your parameters. We will prospect potential rental deals, set up appointments, follow up, and watch your portfolio revenue increase exponentially.

United States





Average Daily Rate




Additional Revenue

United States is ranked #1 in worldwide listings and #1 in occupancy. Statistically the month of April is the highest in occupancy rate.

Most popular rented property has one bedroom, its vacation rental business has grown 28% in the last year and most properties are held by Multi-listing Hosts which means most hosts are Property Managers.

Most guests are coming from and